5 ways to make a new habit stick
Did you make a New Year’s resolution and it's already a bust? Always struggle to stick with your goals? Struggle to put yourself first? Here are 5 different ways to help your new habit stick.
Habit Stacking
This may be one of my favorites when trying to start a new habit.
Take the new habit and add it to something you already do everyday (stack the 2 habits together). I.e. do your pelvic floor exercises while waiting for your coffee to brew and cool off, when you brush your teeth, or when you drive your kids to school. Want to read more? Try listening to an audiobook while you're driving or folding laundry.
The hardest part of starting any new habit is that there's nothing reminding you to do it. The day flies by and before you know it, it's the end of the day, and motivation is GONE!
Delayed Gratification
A second option is to not allow yourself to do something you enjoy until after your new habit is done. For example, if you are trying to get into the habit of cleaning the house a little bit everyday, then may no Netflix until after you’ve cleaned up supper or folded a load of laundry.
This option is great because of the immediate reward. Your brain will start associating the task completion with positive associations and strengthen the connection that this is a habit/task worth continuing.
Positive Reinforcement
This one is an oldie but a goodie. Positive reinforcement/association has been studied FOREVER. Who doesn't love a good old fashion sticker chart. It works with potty training, why not use it for grown ups. I.e. Once you’ve done 10 workouts, buy those new running shoes.
It's no secret that having a concrete goal to work toward improves motivation and increases success rates. It's simple, but it works!
Sometimes, you simply have to build/schedule it into your day. I.e. set an alarm on your phone, put it in your planner, etc.
If your biggest hurdle is truly remembering to do the new habit/task, then this is the most obvious/simple solution.
Identity Shift
Sometimes trying to white knuckle your way through a new habit is just not an option. Instead, think of it more as an identity shift. This one is a little more abstract, but can be a very viable option for long-term success.
For example, if you want to start being healthier. Your identity shift is that you are now a health conscious person. That is your identity shift. Make decisions that a health conscious person would make. Such as making exercise, water intake, etc. a priority.
All of these will not be for everyone. Try them out and see what works best for you and your life. Often times, the most success comes from combining several of these tips. Don’t forget that you may have to try different things during different seasons of life.
…and remember… you are U N S T O P P A B L E !
And don't forget to follow me on instagram @midmopelvichealth